Mon-Fri: 8am-6pm Sat: 9am-6pm
Sun: 9.30am-1pm
Colours BackGround White FFFFFF Blue 36499B Grey from Logo 96BAD4
Red FF0000 Grey 818C99 Green 4AA851
Strip Background Settings Opacity Blue 90% Grey %
Heading 3
Heading 4
Heading 5
Heading 6
Paragraph 2
Heading 1
Heading 2
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 3
Heading 1 Verdana 40pt Reg Blue 36499B Page Headings
Heading 2 Verdana 30pt Reg Blue 36499B Page Sub Headings
Heading 3 Verdana 25pt Reg Green 4AA851 Sub Sub Headings
Heading 4 Verdana 18pt Reg White FFFFFF Text in Header + Footer
Heading 5 Verdana 40pt Reg White FFFFFF Strip Text
Heading 6 Verdana 20pt Reg White FFFFFF
Paragraph 1 Verdana 20pt Reg Blue 36499B
Paragraph 2 Verdana 30pt Reg White FFFFFF
Paragraph 3 Verdana 16pt Reg Blue 36499B
Places using Headings customised for colour or size
Footer 'Website by Trish Darcy Design with' uses Heading 4 changed to 14pt
Footer '© 2019 Fiona Roche Pharmacy uses Heading 4 changed to 14pt
Express Prescription Ordering 'An error occured. Please try again later' used Heading 4 changed to red text
Monthly Draw Form 'An error occurred. Try again later' uses Heading 4 changed to red text
Monthly Draw Form Page
Fill Color and Opacity: White 100%
Border: Green 100%, 4px
Corners: 6px all round
Shadow: Enable Shadow On, Angle 315, Distance 18, Size 0, Blur 0, Opacity 30%, Color Green
Desktop View Settings Used
Header W 980, H 323
Page Name
Page name banner at W 979, H 84, X 0, Y 353
Page name text at W 979, H 48, X 0, Y 369
Object under page name Y 449: Stripe or link back text
If Stripe Paragraph heading Y 496
Paragraph text Y 562
If link back text Stripe Y 499
Paragraph heading Y 535
Paragraph text Y 601
Lining up vertical spacing for more than one paragraph
Paragraph after paragraph in same strip, drag up to previous for pink line, then shift + arrow down once (=10 spaces)
Header after paragraph in same strip, drag up to previous for pink line, then shift + arrow down twice (=20 spaces)
Sub-Paragraph after paragraph in same strip, drag up to previous for pink line, then shift + arrow down once (=10 spaces) X=30.
Changes made on the mobile screen only apply to mobile, they do not transfer over to the desktop.
Items can be hidden on the mobile screen by pressing delete, they then appear in the hidden items and can be restored from there if required. Again this only applies to mobile.
Mobile View Settings Used
Header H=148
Page Name
Settings Keep Proportions Off
Page name banner at W 310, H 42, X 5, Y 154
Page name text at W 320, H 18, X 0, Y 165
Object under page name Y 205: Stripe or link back text
If Stripe Paragraph heading Y 225
Paragraph text Y 255
If link back text Stripe Y 233
Paragraph heading Y 253
Paragraph text Y 283
Space from left margin
Headings and paragraphs x=5
Subsections x=10
Lists in subsections x=10
Text Sizes Used In edit text on mobile - use the + and - buttons to adjust the size of the selected text.
Section Heading 20
Paragraph text 15
Small text like header and footer 13 (this is the smallest text size)
Occasionally used 17 where wanted something a little bigger but not a heading size.
Slideshow Image Size: 1250 x 600 px res 72, save as png
Image Sizes:
1250 x 600 px res 72, save as png
1250 x 2000 px res 72, save as png