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Fertility Advice

Trying to conceive?
You are not alone as fertility problems affect as many as 1 in 6 couples.
It is something we are very familiar with and some of us have personal experience so we can relate to what you are going through!
Feel free to come in and have a chat in our private consulting room and we can advise on supplements, lifestyle and various options you have within the healthcare system  to help you realise your dream of becoming a parent.
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IVF medicines and supplies

We stock a full range of medicines prescribed for IVF treatments. 

There is no need to get your prescription dispensed in an unfamiliar pharmacy just because it is close to your clinic. It is much better to come to us, so if you need advice or a change in meds during your treatment we are right on your doorstep with expert advice. This will save you the stress of having to make a long trip during what is, by its nature, a stressful time.

Call us on 01 2870224 if you have any queries.

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